
(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Seaside Swaps

Don’t worry about making our
seafood-free summer boil perfectly—
here are a few simple subs to keep
the process a breeze.
Mushroom mix-up
King oyster mushrooms’ stems
make for fantastic fishy fakeouts,
but you can use halved white button
mushrooms instead.
Seaweed switcheroo
Any culinary seaweed will impart a
subtle, fishy flavor. So if you can’t
get kombu, substitute with two
tablespoons of dulse or kelp.
Get steamy
Cheesecloth allows broth to flavor
the sausages while cooking. But if
you don’t have any, simply wrap in
foil, steam for 30 minutes, and add
steamed sausages to the boil.

corn, okra, mushrooms, onions, garlic
bulbs, Old Bay, bay leaves, kombu, salt,
and cayenne. Cover with water, and add
beer. Squeeze lemon halves, and drop in.

  1. Stir to combine, making sure to keep
    sausages submerged under vegetables.
    Partially cover pot and bring to a boil. Once
    boiling, reduce to medium-low and simmer
    for 40 minutes, until potatoes are fork-
    tender, and sausages are firm.

  2. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan over
    medium heat, melt butter. Add garlic
    cloves, reduce heat to medium-low, and
    simmer 10 minutes, until garlic is slightly
    browned. Remove from heat, stir in parsley,
    and set aside until ready to serve.

  3. When vegetables and sausage are
    cooked, remove kombu from pot and
    discard. Remove sausages and unwrap.
    Drain pot in colander, reserving vegetables.

  4. In a lightly oiled skillet, brown sausages,
    1 to 2 minutes per side. Cut browned
    sausages into thirds.

  5. Plate drained vegetables in a large
    serving bowl or on a table lined with
    newspaper. Place sausages on top of
    vegetables, and drizzle with half of garlic
    butter sauce. Serve with lemon wedges
    and remaining butter sauce for dipping.

Brian L. Patton (thesexyvegan.com) is a
chef, multimedia personality, and author of
Sexy’s Best: The Definitive Vegan Mac & Cheese.

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