Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

(singke) #1
Building the Real Application Chapter 5

Redefining the home page

Let's make our own view page for the home. For this, we can just modify the

HelloWorld.vue component. The .vue file should always start with a template. Hence, a

basic template for this file is:


You can also include your style sheets and JavaScript codes definitions in this page, but it

will be much cleaner if we separate these out somewhere else.

Let's remove everything from HelloWorld.vue and add these lines of code:

Hello World

We also don't need a Vue.js logo, so let's delete that as well from src/assets and the line

of code in App.vue:

<img src="./assets/logo.png">

Now, if you revisit the URL http://localhost:8080/#/, you will see Hello World


Segregating CSS

Time for segregating CSS. Let's create a folder inside the src/assets folder

called stylesheets and add a main.css file. Add the following line of code in main.css:

@import './home.css';
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