Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

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Building Authentication with passport.js Chapter 6


The above code blocks uses a secret token required to save the user details. We will be

defining the token in a separate file so that all of our configuration token reside in a single


So, let's go ahead and create a file called Config.js inside the config directory and the

following lines of code:

module.exports = {
DB: 'mongodb://localhost/movie_rating_app',
SECRET: 'movieratingappsecretkey'

We also added a GET route called /api/current_user to fetch the current logged in user

details. This api uses a middleware method called isLoggedIn which checks if the user's

data is on the session or not. And if the user's data exists in the session, the current user
details is sent back as the response.

Another endpoint which we added is the /logout which simply logs out the user and

destroys the session.

Hence, with this configuration, now we should be able to log in successfully using the

passport.js Local Strategy.

The only problem that we have now is there is no way to know if the user successfully
logged in or not. For that we need to display some user's information such as email to

indicate the logged in user.

For this, we need to pass the user's information from Login.vue to App.vue so that we can

display the user's email in the top bar. We can use a method called emit provided by Vue

which is used to pass the information between the Vue components. Let's go ahead and

configure that.

Configuring emit method

Let's first create a transmitter which can communicate between the different Vue

components. Create a file called bus.js inside src directory and add the following


import Vue from 'vue';
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