Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

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Building OAuth Strategies with passport.js Chapter 7

  1. Adding the necessary routes.

  2. Adding a middleware method to check authentication.

  3. Redirecting the user to the home page and displaying the logged in user's email
    in the top bar.

Let's dive into the details for each of the preceding steps.

Creating and setting up a LinkedIn app

Just like we did for the Facebook and Twitter Strategies, to be able to use the Linkedin

Strategy, we have to build a LinkedIn application. The developers, portal for LinkedIn is
at https:/​/​www.​linkedin.​com/​developer/​apps. You will see a list of all of your

applications there. You will also note a button to create a new application; click on Create


We just have to add the name of our application. We can name the application whatever we
want, but for our application, we will be naming it movie_rating_app:

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