Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

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Going Live Chapter 10

Setting up Travis in the app

Let's move on to the setup part. The first thing to do here is to check out the official website

for Travis CI at https:/​/​travis-​ci.​org/​.

Activating the repository

We need to sign up first, which can be done easily using Sign in with GitHub. When you
are done, you should see the list of your existing repositories. Select the application that

you want to set up the Travis CI with and you will be able to see the following page:

Specifying the Node.js version

Now, activate the repository in which you want to add Travis CI. We can see the list of our
repositories in our profile. Select the application and click on the check mark to activate

Travis CI in the repository. Now the next part is to add the configuration details. The first

thing is to specify the node version that we will be using for the application.

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