How to Make Your Car Last Forever: Avoid Expensive Repairs, Improve Fuel Economy, Understand Your Warranty, Save Money

(singke) #1

Finally, when buying tires, before leaving the tire store, there are a few things
to consider:

  • Road hazard protection: This is a policy that protects you against road
    hazards that would destroy the tire and not normally be covered under the tire
    warranty. Items such as twisted metal, nails in sidewalls, and impact breaks
    from slamming into a curb or a nasty pothole—essentially anything that
    brings about the demise of the tire will be covered under this plan. The way
    the price of the replacement tire is determined is by pro-rating based on the
    amount of tread remaining at the time of the tire failure. If 50 percent of the
    tire tread has been used, then the replacement will cost 50 percent of the
    original price.

  • Mileage warranty: Some tire makers warranty their tires to last a certain
    amount of mileage providing proper tire maintenance can be proven if the tire
    fails prior to its stated mileage. The important thing to keep meticulous
    maintenance records in the event you need to make a claim to replace a failed
    tire before its time. Once again, replacement price is based on the percentage
    of tread used.

  • Nitrogen filling: A lot of tire dealers offer nitrogen filling of tires. What are
    the benefits of this? Nitrogen drastically reduces oxidation on the rim and
    inner-liner of the tire because oxygen is almost totally eliminated from the
    mix. Air is made up of about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and 1
    percent argon as well as other inert gases. The more oxygen you replace with
    nitrogen, the less oxidation takes place inside of the tire. Nitrogen-filled tires
    hold their air longer than oxygen-filled tires because nitrogen is comprised of
    fatter molecules than oxygen; therefore, it diffuses through tire walls more
    slowly because it has larger molecules. The temperature of nitrogen gas
    doesn’t fluctuate, which helps the tire pressure stay more consistent. As a
    result, the tire runs cooler because it remains properly inflated. This is one of
    the reasons that aircraft and racing tires use nitrogen. In short, nitrogen keeps
    the tire properly inflated longer than air, which leads to less rolling resistance,
    which leads to greater fuel economy and extends tire life.

  • Lifetime balance and rotation: Some tire dealers offer lifetime rotation and
    rebalance of tires once you initially pay for the tire balance. Ask about this
    because it is a huge savings and ensures tire longevity.

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