How to Make Your Car Last Forever: Avoid Expensive Repairs, Improve Fuel Economy, Understand Your Warranty, Save Money

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Manufacturers offer three service schedules for engine oil and filter changes, as
well as for the maintenance of other systems in your vehicle: severe, normal, and
OLM. How do they compare?

Severe Service Schedule as per GM

Follow the severe schedule if any one of the following are true:

  • Most trips are less than 5 to 10 miles (8 to 16 kilometers). This is particularly
    important when outside temperatures are below freezing.

  • Most trips include extensive idling (such as frequent driving in stop-and-go

  • The vehicle is operated in dusty areas frequently.

  • The vehicle tows a trailer or uses a car-top carrier frequently.

  • The vehicle is used for delivery service, police, taxi, or other commercial

Many GM vehicles have an “Engine Oil Life Monitor” lamp that can
illuminate any time between intervals depending on driving conditions. The oil
should be replaced at that time, regardless of mileage, and the oil life monitor”

Normal Service Schedule as per GM

Follow the normal schedule only if none of the conditions from the severe
schedule apply.
Again, many GM vehicles have the Engine Oil Life Monitor. It can illuminate
anytime between intervals depending on driving conditions. When it does,
replace the oil, regardless of mileage, and reset the monitor.
Other carmakers vary on their recommendations for severe or normal service
schedules. Ford, for instance, suggests that you change the oil more frequently if
the vehicle operates in dusty environments, tows a trailer, or uses E-85 fuel more
than 50 percent of the time. Overall, the burden is on you to check your owner’s
manual for suggested service intervals based on your driving experience.

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