Q My sister and I have a difference of opinion regarding the practice of
rocking the car out of a snow bank when stuck. She says it doesn’t hurt the
car at all and is a cheaper option than calling a tow truck. I say if you can’t
dig it out, call a tow truck because you do damage to the transmission and
engine. Who is right?
Michelle—Buffalo, New York
A In short, you are right, period. Rocking the car out of a snow bank can
result in all kinds of transmission and drivetrain havoc. And yes, the engine
can get damaged if it gets overheated or over-revved. I have seen twisted
axles and driveshafts, vaporized transmissions and transfer cases, damaged
viscous couplers, damaged undercarriages, broken suspension components,
bent wheels, blown differentials, torn gas and brake lines, broken motor
mounts, bent frames, and other mechanical carnage as a result of this abusive
practice. Not a good practice. Tell sis to cease and desist or suffer the
eventual consequences.