How to Make Your Car Last Forever: Avoid Expensive Repairs, Improve Fuel Economy, Understand Your Warranty, Save Money

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Throughout the writing of this book, many people came to mind, people who
have encouraged and supported me throughout my life. They taught me not only
the ins and outs of everything automotive, but also how to persist and work
toward fulfilling my dreams even when times get rough. There isn’t room to
name them all, but I want to express my deep gratitude to key individuals who
were responsible for teaching me the ways of automotive zen, broadcast, and
Don Moquin gave me my start in automotive repair. He gave an aspiring,
young, impressionable youth with a dream of being an auto mechanic a chance
when I wandered into his gas station in 1972. Thanks, Don.
Bob Loringer saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself. Bob entrusted
me with the keys to his business, his tools and service bays, and most important,
his customers’ cars. I learned a lot at Bob Loringer’s Sunoco.
Sheldon Siegel taught me the importance of meticulous and vigorous
maintenance practices. Sheldon taught me that any car could go 100,000 miles or
more if you maintain it properly.
John Mitidieri was my first real mentor in automotive repair. He taught me
everything he knew, put up with my idiosyncrasies, trusted me with his toolbox,
taught me how to swing a hammer like Thor, and brought me into his home. He
was a great friend as well as a teacher, and I sorely miss him.
Mr. Jensen, my auto mechanics teacher at Burlington County Vocational and
Technical High School, put up with a difficult kid like me and persevered until “I
got it.” I also thank the faculty at the high school for their contribution to my
education. They equipped me well.
Merrill Rosen believed in me when I came to him with the cockamamie idea
of starting an automotive radio talk show 20 years ago. Merrill taught me the
ropes of broadcast and media.
Bob Carey saw in me America’s premier automotive radio talk show host.
Bob took America’s Car Show from local to national status and taught me about
national radio.
This work would have never been published without Kathleen Augustine, my
editor. She has the uncanny ability to make sense out of my chicken scratch and
bring flavor and personality to the words I put down. Thanks, Kath.

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