How to Make Your Car Last Forever: Avoid Expensive Repairs, Improve Fuel Economy, Understand Your Warranty, Save Money

(singke) #1


Q I bought a used ’98 Neon with 80,000 miles. It now has 108,000 miles

and needs a head gasket. I plan on replacing it myself. Is the dealer the best
place to get the head gasket? Also, has the gasket been redesigned to really
fix the problem? What about using an aftermarket timing belt (or should I
stick with the OEM)? Should I have the head milled? New head bolts? New
water pump? Any tips? Also, should I see if Chrysler would pick up some of
the tab?

Steve—Rochester, New York


A First off, forget about Chrysler picking up anything. This is not a safety

recall, thus freeing the carmaker of any liabilities. You can try, but I doubt
you’ll get anywhere.

Buy a Chrysler gasket set, because these gaskets have been re-
engineered specifically for this problem (they are laminated). Also, you must
use a special sealant from Chrysler, use new head bolts (because the old ones
stretch), and yes, have the head checked with a straightedge and milled if
necessary (straight, clean surfaces seal better than crooked ones). Make sure
you effectively clean the block and head, and check the block plane with a
straightedge too. While you are inside, replace the timing belt with a new
OEM replacement.

As for the water pump, if it has the same mileage as the rest of the
engine, replace it. Ask a Chrysler technician who works on these engines
about head gasket replacement and what else you should do; however, I think
I’ve covered it. I wish you success.

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