Finding Free Batteries
Free is where you find it - Most of the time the goods and
materials you need can be found with a little persistence and
the simple direct method of just asking.
Such is the case with free batteries. So far, we have found two
great sources of free batteries for Renewable Energy systems.
Free batteries in your own backyard
For a few years our oldest son worked at a golf course for his
summer job. One of his jobs was regular cleaning and
maintenance of the golf carts, some gas powered, some
He usually rode his bike to work, but upon occasion he
would ask me to drive him to work if it was raining or if his
bike was in need of repairs. One particular morning that I
dropped him off for work I spied one of the electric golf carts
in the shop with the body taken off for repairs. They were
going to replace the batteries.
I looked at the large batteries that had ‘Deep Cycle’ written
on the sides of them and they looked to be in good shape. I
came away with an idea.
After a bit of research I discovered that golf cart batteries are
used and recommended for use with Renewable Energy
systems, and more importantly for electric car conversions.