Converting to an Electric Vehicle

(singke) #1

There are many applications for DC power and the benefit is
that we can use this form of energy in our off grid home,
while in your present tied to the grid home you cannot.

AC Current

Alternating current is called this because the current changes
direction constantly. AC is the most common form of
electricity usage today mostly because it is easier to work
with than common DC current.

As an added bonus we are sharing with you our own
adventure in learning about Renewable Energy and
how we started. Enjoy.


Living Off the Grid
As an introduction to our own journey towards living off
the grid we are reprinting here an article that Jane and I
wrote for a well known magazine called Mother Earth
News (circulation 300,000) in February 2003. This
adventure really began at that time. Enjoy

Our Handmade Home
By Les and Jane Oke
Copyright 2007

We cut our own lumber and built our off the grid home in

During the days of skyrocketing interest rates in the late
1980’s, my wife, Jane, and I realized that our dream of
owning a home was slipping away.

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