that goes hand in hand with the actual transacting of business leaves littletime for the clarity of mind that can come when it’s just you, a spouse or
partner, and the computer.
What you want to figure out before shopping begins is what car, truck orSUV that fits into your budget is best for you. A dealer’s favorite customer (^)
is one who doesn’t know what they want—making them easy prey. Andalmost guaranteeing the shopper will end up in the vehicle that has the
most profit in it, not the one that will serve them best.
If you do your research first, when the time comes time to pull the trigger,you’ll be armed and dangerous. You can also use the Internet to get
preapproved on a loan, fix your credit, [links] and even shop your cararound to get the highest trade-in bids possible from multiple dealers. In the (^)
appropriate chapters, I cover these topics.
Right now, the percentage of purely Internet-only vehicle sales (where youdon’t even see the car before you pick it up) are in the low single digits.
That’s expected to hit 10 percent to 12 percent by 2014. But even then,over half of shoppers will still have a car or truck to sell or trade in—which (^)
means there are other complexities to deal with—and more money to besaved by maximizing what your trade-in is worth, as I’ll discuss later.