to get the context you needTIP: Mix your sources for gaining automotive knowledge in order.^
Find two or three you really gel with, ones that hopefully represent differentpoints of view. That’ll make uncovering the motives of the commentators
easier. And remember: these are largely for-profit enterprises.
dealers and get paid well for doing so.TIP: Almost all automotive websites will sell your information to^
This can be one of the largest sources of revenue for them; as an example,, which lists actual transaction prices of car sales on its site,
gets $300 for every lead they provide that turns into a sale at one of theircontracted dealers. Since their leads resulted in over 122,000 sales in
2010, they grossed over $36 million from this. Other sites that seem veryconsumer-oriented also sell leads to dealers for profit.
Over the past decade, about half of the franchise (new car) dealershipshave established dedicated Internet departments. These can be a great (^)