Car Buying Tips Guide 1

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confusing, as not all of these sold at dealers are from the manufacturer ofthe vehicle; many are 3rd party contracts—even on new cars.

Next are those sold through direct mailings, TV, and online. Perhaps theworse are those represented as being from a manufacturer, but which are (^)
not. One such is US Fidelis, who are currently under investigation by 40states Attorneys General for fraud, and are being sued by BMW for using (^)
its logo on US Fidelis mailings to mislead people into thinking they’rebuying a BMW-approved product.
Also, some online sellers aren’t legit service contact companies or evenRRGs. They are service contract brokerages ; they sell a multitude of
products, based on the profitability to the brokerage and other factors not inthe customer’s best interest.
print on their site. TIP: To verify that a company is a brokerage, look at the fine^
It will usually be clear that they have several products to offer; theterminology on one,, says (under their Contract’s (^)
page), “Supplier Links” and lists several companies; this means the site is abrokerage. I would exercise extreme caution with such.

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