The Trade-In your car. If your hot button is trade-in value, the dealer will adjust it during: The dealer will usually start with an insultingly low offer for (^)
the negotiations near (or nearer) to what you tell him you want/need fromyour car. Then, they’ll move all other numbers around to compensate for
this “over-allowance” (showing you more than they are trade). really paying for the
For example, say you owe $10,000 on a trade-in that is only worth $8,500to the dealer, but the salesperson and manager know this is your focus.
They’ll eventually say, “Oh, we should be able to give you that much.”Then, they move the $1,500 difference into the price of the car you’re
looking at—or try to hide it by increasing the loan term, or othershenanigans on any financing or leasing they arrange. What they’ll really (^)
give you is “Actual Cash Value” (ACV), which is the amount the dealeractually is willing to take your trade-in into inventory for.
for a written “Trade Bid,” even if you decide not to purchaseTIP: To find out what your car is actually worth to them, ask
something there.
The nationwide used car retailer CarMax has always done this; untilrecently most others wouldn’t. But post-2010, many dealers are happy to (^)
get any good used inventory they can, and will indeed give you a Trade Bidin writing. This will also help eliminate one of the primary areas of control