Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 486 (2021-02-19)

(Antfer) #1

Future Nostalgia (The

Moonlight Edition)

Dua Lipa

The English singer-songwriter Dua Lipa had
previously admitted to having a few songs
left over from making her 2020 hit album
Future Nostalgia. Nearly a year later, we’ve
now got a new and extended version of that
album – with The Moonlight Edition adding
to its disco-infused beats.


  1. “I have a couple of songs that I’ve worked
    on, and that I kind of put aside for a second
    wind,” Lipa revealed last February,
    while preparing for the original Future
    Nostalgia’s release.

  2. According to Lipa, she was very
    “cutthroat” when selecting the standard
    version’s songs.

  3. The Moonlight Edition’s release was
    accompanied by its lead single, “We’re Good”.

  4. The single’s video depicts Lipa singing at a
    restaurant on a cruise ship where live lobsters
    are cooked and served to diners.

  5. “We’re Good” is one of the new songs, also
    including “If It Ain’t Me” and “That Kind of
    Woman”, added by The Moonlight Edition to
    Future Nostalgia.

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