A First Course in FUZZY and NEURAL CONTROL

(singke) #1

First, to see whether or not this problem is solvable, we look at the domain
of the functiong, coloring the points white where the function value is 1 ,and
black where the function value is 0.

The input domain is divided into the two subsetsB ={(0,0)}andW =
{(0,1),(1,1),(1,0)}corresponding to the two output values 0 and 1 , respec-
tively. A solution to the perceptron design is a straight linew 1 x 1 +w 2 x 2 −b=0,
in thex 1 - x 2 plane, and we can see that there are lines that can separate these
two subsets,

that is, this is a linearly separable problem. Of course, there are many such lines,
and any such line gives a solution. In view of the simplicity of this functiong,
no sophisticated mathematics is needed. Just observe that

g(0,0) = 0implies 0 <b
g(0,1) = 1impliesw 2 ≥b
g(1,0) = 1impliesw 1 ≥b
g(1,1) = 1impliesw 1 +w 2 ≥b

and choose any numbersw 1 ,w 2 ,andbsatisfying these inequalities. One solution
isw 1 =w 2 =b=2.


The basic logical functions are often written in set notation. For setsA
andB, the set notation for the logical function AND isA∩B, also calledA

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