A First Course in FUZZY and NEURAL CONTROL

(singke) #1

  1. What is a good size for the training set? As in statistics, such a question
    only makes sense when we specify some degree of accuracy of the classi-
    fication. There is some rule of thumb relating to the number of training
    samples, the number of weights in a neural network, and the degree of

5.9 Exercisesandprojects ........................

  1. Design an artificial neuron to implement the Boolean function AND whose
    truth table is
    g(x 1 ,x 2 )=

1 ifx 1 =x 2 =1
0 otherwise

  1. Consider the logical Boolean function ìAand notB,î symbolicallyA∩B^0 ,
    with truth function

g(x 1 ,x 2 )=

1 ifx 1 =1andx 2 =0
0 otherwise

Design an artificial neuron to implementg.

  1. Using your answer to Exercise 2 and(wAC,wBC,bC)=(2, 2 ,2)from Ex-
    ample 5.1, as values for the two-layer neural network depicted in Example
    5.1, show that the network implements the XOR function by verifying
    that the four possible inputs give the desired outputs.

  2. Using your answer to Exercise 2 and(wAC,wBC,bC)=(1,− 2 ,− 0 .5),as
    values for the two-layer neural network depicted in Example 5.1, show
    that the network also implements the XOR function by verifying that the
    four possible inputs give the desired outputs.

  3. Design an artificial neuron to implement the material implication operator
    in Boolean logic:AimpliesB=A^0 ORBwhosetruthtableisasfollows

x 1 \x 2 01
0 11
1 01

or in other words,

g(x 1 ,x 2 )=

0 ifx 1 =1andx 2 =0
0 otherwise

  1. Refer to Example 5.3.Verify that the linex 1 +x 2 =^32 in thex 1 - x 2 plane
    partitions the inputsxq,q=1, 2 , 3 , 4 , into two subsets corresponding to
    output targets− 1 ,+1, respectively.

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