Figure 8.2. Figure 8.6. Critically damped response
8.3 Color quality processing
Color matching is an important issue in many industries such as textiles, auto-
mobiles, etc., to maintain uniformity in the color appearance. Although there
are analytical methods that provide a means for colorant analysis, their ap-
plication is cumbersome and involves complex calculations. In this section, we
describe a fuzzy logic-based approach for automating the color matching process
to obtain a conditional color match between a test sample and a standard based
on tristimulus values. A conditional color match implies obtaining a match
under a specific set of illuminating and viewing conditions. For a given set
of such conditions, computer simulations are performed and discussed. Color
evaluation and color mixing for a given material surface are interdependent.
The use of a fuzzy logic-based approach yields satisfactory results in terms of
color correlation between visual assessment, computed color differences, and
colorant composition, and hence can replace the subjective assessments usually
performed by humans in the color matching process.
The development of high resolution spectrophotometers and colorimeters,
combined with their portability and large data processing abilities, has made
the color evaluation process easier andfaster. Although these instruments are
very useful for rapid pass or fail color inspections in many industries such as
the automotive industry and textile industry, thefinal decision depends pri-
marily upon a subjective visual assessment. Besides spectral analysis, which is
useful in colorant selection, the interrelationship between various environmental