44 artistApril 2021 http://www.painters-online.co.uk
I continued to develop the painting, especially the foreground grasses. I
used the previous mixes with the addition of the following for the details
in the grasses: permanent yellow deep and white; primary yellow, primary
blue and white; primary yellow, primary red, a touch of primary blue and
white. I used a Pro Arte Series 203 No. 2 rigger for the fine details. For the
cottage roof I used ultramarine blue, alizarin crimson and white and, for the
windows, ultramarine blue, spectrum red and a touch of yellow ochre
For the gouache block-in I started to develop
the greens throughout the painting using
the following mixes: ultramarine, a touch of
spectrum red and a touch of yellow ochre
(for the extreme darks), ultramarine blue,
primary yellow, a touch of primary red and a
touch of white; primary blue, primary yellow
and a touch of white. Care was taken not to
cover all of the acrylic underpainting, which
was needed to increase the vibrancy of the
finished painting
I began the acrylic underpainting. I used mixes of raw
sienna plus a touch of cadmium red applied as a very
diluted, warm wash in the sky and distant fields. For the
distant left-hand trees and the right-hand foreground I
used two mixes of Winsor violet, one diluted more than the
other. The distant right-hand trees and the dark gully are
a mix of Winsor violet, ultramarine blue and yellow ochre,
and the pale foreground areas are alizarin crimson and
ultramarine blue
Continuing the gouache block-in I also
worked on the distant fields and cottage.
The following new mixes were used in
conjunction with those from the previous
stage: yellow ochre, ultramarine blue and
white; primary yellow, primary blue and
white; primary yellow, primary blue, a touch
of spectrum red and white (distant fields);
yellow ochre, a touch of spectrum red, touch
of ultramarine blue and white for the cottage