Old Cars Weekly News \& Marketplace - Auto Restoration Guide: Advice and How-to Projects for Your Collector Car

(singke) #1

half hour to re-seat the rings. Then, shut down the engine and loosen
each spark plug about a half turn. Then go back and re-tighten each
spark plug, start the engine and let it run for a couple of minutes. Shut
down the engine and pull the plug wires.

The improper    method  of  removing    spark   plug    wires   is  shown.
Yanking on the middle of a spark plug wire will internally damage
the conductor, which is usually a carbon-impregnated filament.

The proper  method  of  removing    a   spark   plug    wire    is  to  remove  it  at
the boot. There are special tools available to remove the wire at the
spark plug.
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