
(singke) #1

SESSION 13 – Playing the Blues
B o n u s R e s o u r c e s
Key Concepts
The Blues Scale The Blues Chord Progression
Pentatonic Scales with Blues Notes Triads
Skills Gained in th is Session
Knowing the Blues Chord Progression Playing the Pentatonic Scales with Added Blues Notes
Understanding the 4 Types of Triads Being Able to Spell Triads in Any Key
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.

  • Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970)

Session Overview
This session combines many of the concepts of previworld of blues guitar playing. The blues scale and chord progression are explained. Adding ous sessions to introduce you to the
one note to the minor pentatonic scale forms createblues. Also, a major musical concept is introduced – Triads. s a very “guitar friendly” approach to the

(^) The BLUES SCALE is the 1st, 2nd, flatted 3rd, 3rd, 4th, flatted 5th, 5th, 6th and flatted 7th
step of the major scale.these blues scale notes and forms the basis for a l The minor pentatonic scale covered in Session 11 ot of blues guitar playing. By adding the utilizes most of
flatted 5th into each of the five pentatonic forms a new “bluesy” sounding scale emerges.
The BLUES CHORD PROGRESSION consists of 12 measureschords. The 12 bar blues varies from other types of phrase length such as 8 or 16 measures. that have a specific pattern of
There are many variations on the blues but all staystructure to the chords. with the same 12 bar length and overall
(^) A TRIAD is a combination of three notes played at the same time. There are four different
variation of triads – MAJOR, MINOR, AUGMENTED and Dutilize and adjust the 1st, 3rd and 5th steps of the major scale. Learning to spell the notes in IMINISHED. These different triads
each of these triads is a major component of this s ession.
Many exercises are given in the lesson book and in spelling triads. The ability to know what notes make up chords helps you to begin soloing from the bonus resources to give you practice
a place of understanding. The time and effort invespent towards your understanding of the things you sted in this endeavor is going to be time well are playing. This understanding of chords
combined with the development of your “ear” to hearbegin to shape your playing in an incredible way. in your head what you want to play will
the flatted 3rd,
flatted 5th &
flatted 7th steps of
the major scale.
The 4 types of
triads are...
1 – 3 – 5
1 – b3 – 5
1 – 3 – #5
1 – b3 – b5

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