
(singke) #1

SESSION 17 – Going Beyond the First Position
B o n u s R e s o u r c e s
Key Concepts
Learning the Entire Fretboard
Three Notes on a String Scales Triplets
Seventh Chords
Skills Gained in this Session
Learn the Notes on the Neck of the Guitar
Learn the Three Note on a String Scale Finger PatteHammer-On Ascending & Pull-Off Descending Techniquerns
The Ability to Spell All Seventh Chords
It takes a lot of devotion and work , or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that’s
what it amounts to. I haven’t found any shortcuts and I’ve been looking for a long time.

  • Chet Atkins (1924-2001), Over 140 albums & 11 Grammy awards spanning a
    professional guitar recording career of over 51 years^

Session Overview
In this session two major concepts in mastering theFretboard & Spelling Seventh Chords. If you can comprehend the material in this session guitar are covered – Learning the Entire
and are able to incorporate it into your own playinaverage guitar players. g you will break yourself from the pack of

(^) Toward that end, you are introduced to a simple concept that will help you learn the entire
fretboard of the guitar – Three Note on a String Scthe world of the fretboard to me as I went through ales. Three note on a string scales opened up them. It took me about 3 months of thinking
through and practicing these scales most every day way of playing scales is also great for developing speed, triplet technique and as material to use to learn all of the notes on the guitar. This
when soloing. There are seven different three notefeel like there are more but there are only seven forms to learn. on a string scale forms. I know that it will Once you learn these and
know how to move them around in different keys, youunderstanding the fretboard. are well on your way to
(^) All of the music theory gained so far in this course has been building to this moment – Seventh
Chords. A SEVENTH CHORD is a combination of four noseventh chords represent the bulk of chords that you are going to have to understand as a tes played together. Along with triads,
serious guitar and in the bonus resources. Do them over and I encourage you to work through the worksheets giover again. Spell chords as you are going ven in the lesson
throughout your day until you can look at a chord awrite them. nd know the notes in it as fast as you could
(^) This session requires a lot of work but at the end of the work is a working knowledge of the
entire fretboard of the guitar and the ability to gmake up that chord. A serious guitar player knows lance at a chord and instantly know what notes what notes make up a Gm7 or a Bbmaj7
and sees these notes all over the fretboard. This to do these things. whole session is aiming to give you the tools
(^) So let’s get started...
There are SEVEN
different Three
Note on a String
scale forms.
Memorize the
shapes of the
scale forms and
which notes each
form pivots off of.
Do the chord
worksheets over
and over again
until you can spell
a chord as fast as
you can write it.

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