
(singke) #1

You’re Ready to Move On

Closing Thought – Keep Trying to Hit the High Notes.
(^) Well, here we are at the last session. I hope you have learned a lot. I have tried to pour into you as much as I
can about guitar playing and being a good musician.continued musical growth. Earlier this year I was talking with a good friend of mine about a mutual m Let me take a second to tell you a key concept tousician your
friend in the context of “whatever happened to so ashadow of what it once was musically. “So, what hand so?” He said that he was still playing but it wppened?” I asked and I have remembered his answer sas only a till
today. He said “He stopped trying to hit the high notes.”
He stopped trying to improve and grow his playing ...That was the beginning of the end of his musical de and risk looking foolish to try and do something tvelopment. He stopped reaching for new things mushat he has never done ically.
before. I encourage you to keep striving to learn to stay where you are at musically. There is a whonew things, to play things that you never thought ole lot more that you can reach if you just keep at f before. Don’t be content it. You probably never
thought you could make it this far and yet here you are playing things you never thought you could.^
Keep Learning and Growing. Keep Striving to Hit the others as much as you can. Other people need to hear your music. A saying that I have come across sayHigh Notes. Please keep in touch on the discussion board. Play for s “Most of us go to
our graves with our music still inside of us.” Thanks for letting me be a part in letting your music out.
Tips for Successful Learning

  • Learn the New Chord Forms. sound. The more creative chord forms you know and The chord forms that you use and how you play them can incorporate the more your playing will be distiwill define your nctive.
    Getting these chords takes effort and repetition besomeone would have sat me down at the beginning of fore they eventually become part of your playing army guitar playing journey and said, “Here kid, heresenal. I wish is just
    about every chord form that you are going to need tall the chords that I have gone through in this course. It would have saved me a lot of work. o know in your guitar playing life. And then handed me a list of

  • Don’t Stop Learning. Learn from every resource you can get your hands on. Buy guitar books or DVDs.
    Go buy a new guitar course now that you’re finishinintimidated by them, learn from them. Then, after listening to some great players, go back to your prg up this one. Go listen to other guitar players. Don’t get actice room
    and work at what you saw. Learn to love the times that you are making real improvement. There, in your times of practice, it is just youof practice because it is in those times in your pr, your instrument and your actice room
    dream of being a guitar player and musician.

  • You have learned all of the new chord forms introduced in the session and those
    in the bonus workshop.

  • You can play the Jam Along songs for this session and keep up with the band at
    the tempo of the track.

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