Dalmia DSP Success Story

(Project Pridr) #1


Mr Larsen’s note also states, “If the efficiency of
all the cyclones is increased to 95% there would be
heat saving of 5 kcal/kg clinker.”
FLSmidth have offered latest design counter-
current heat transfer (CCX) cyclone for more
efficient heat transfer in which even after lower
top-stage cyclone efficiency (92%) than the standard
(95%), the reduction in PH exit temperature by 15 ̊C
was offered as compared to the standard cyclone,
which will give savings on fuel consumption by 6
kcal/kg clinker.

  1. Additional 100mm (average) hysil insulation to
    reduce the radiation loss: To reduce the radiation
    loss by around 6–8 kcal/kg clinker by reduction
    of skin temperature by 10–15% as compared to
    standard insulation thickness.
    It was discussed with suppliers to increase the
    pre-heater hysil insulation thickness by average 100
    mm. Initially FLSmidth and TKIL were not ready
    for the same because they were worried about the
    condensation and shell corrosion due to lower shell
    temperature. After discussion, we convinced their
    principals that there is no possibility of moisture
    ingress due to additional insulation thickness (two-
    layer of insulation and one layer of refractory)
    and hence shell corrosion risk was not envisaged;
    additionally we would also have the internal surface
    painting to protect the shell. Then all suppliers
    offered the same by optimizing their velocity

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