Barron's - USA (2021-03-01)

(Antfer) #1
March1,2021 BARRON’S 29

Ameritrade’s justly cele-

brated active trading plat-

form, which could make

the combination of the two

brokerages a tough act to


4. E*Trade/4stars

That E*Trade dropped in

the rankings by one position

this year is more a function

of a change in weightings

and improvements by other

brokers than a reflection of

platform slippage. Its mobile

app continues to top the

charts—it was best for mo-

bile trading—and E*Trade

has done a fine job of beefing

up research.

5. Charles


Charles Schwab remains

a solid bet for many self-

directed investors, with

phenomenal customer ser-

vice, an abundant informa-

tion-guidance system, and

lots of investment tools.

Over the past few years, it

has made substantial im-

provements on site appeal

and customization, and its

mobile phone platform is

now comparable to others.

6. tastyworks/

3.5 stars

The big news for tastyworks

is a new owner, the U.K.-

based IG Group. Tastyworks

says it’s going global, which

should widen an audience of

devotees who swear by the

technologically stunning

options and futures trading

platform and quirky original

content and live broadcasts.

Tastyworks, however, isn’t

necessarily right for those

interested in investing in

mutual funds, exchange-

traded funds, or even stocks.

6. Merrill Edge /

3.5 stars

Merrill Edge may not have

climbed from last year, but

its total score showed the

most improvement. That,

in part, reflects continued

strengthening of its informa-

tion-related offerings,

wrapped in the most visu-

ally pleasing graphics and

approachable presentation

out there. Its platform is

recommended for occasional

traders, especially ones

focused on dividends and

retirement; it came in best

for retirement investors. The

active trading platform, by

contrast, is average at best.

8. SogoTrade/

2.5 stars

SogoTrade appeals to an

overseas Chinese market,

with support designed for

those customers as well

as cryptocurrency traders.

It’s not designed as a main-

stream, full-service broker-

age and shouldn’t be ap-

proached as one. It is

attempting to attract a youn-

ger clientele and cash in on

the zero-commission envi-

ronment by offering a rebate

on certain limit order trades,

which is a gimmicky way

for customers to feel better

about the broker being paid

for order flow.

9. TradeStation/

2.5 stars

TradeStation is another

niche, active-trading plat-

form and another operation

that interests the crypto

crowd. Many trading opera-

tions embrace the company’s

proprietary application pro-

gramming interface, or API.

But for other mainstream

investors, TradeStationlacks

the necessary foundation

and appropriate tools and

information for decision-


10. Ally Invest/

2.5 stars

Ally Invest must offer a lot

more if it wants to attract

more than just Ally Bank

clients looking for a conve-

nient investment site. Its

investment site is clean and

well ordered. But it lacks the

sophistication, features, and

flexibility of its competitors.

11. TradingBlock/

2.5 stars

TradingBlock is a work in

progress. It released a new

active trading platform in

2020, which, true to its

name, builds on a series of

block-like components that

can be easily shifted, manip-

ulated, and highlighted. It’s a

highly effective, practical

approach, but there’s a lot

that still needs to be done,

including a dedicated mobile

app. The brokerage said that

events of last year slowed

down the release of the app

and other improvements,

which are coming.


We gave Robinhood the

same scrutiny as the broker-

ages in our survey. We sent

the firm our questions, and

we did a thorough analysis

of its platform. Here are our


Robinhood makes it very

easy to trade. Just swipe and

you’re done. The Robinhood

app emphasizes fractional-

shares trading and high-

lights dollar amounts, en-

abling investments for as

little as $1. The default is a

market order. While it’s pos-

sible to trade in shares and

at limit or stop orders, that

takes some poking around.

Robinhood excels in pre-

sentation. Its app is clean,

well lit, and orderly, as is its

lesser-known website. But

minimalist architecture has

drawbacks. We believe that

nowadays, self-directed in-

vestors need tools and infor-

mation necessary to make

informed decisions.

Robinhood lacks that

firepower. Research is ex-

tremely limited, although

the brokerage offers better

ordered and slightly more

thorough analysis with a

$5-a-month gold member-


Its education platform,

Robinhood Learn, starts

with the basics—“What is an

investment?” or “What is the

stock market?”—but doesn’t

get much deeper than that.

Its RobinhoodSnacks daily

podcasts and newsfeed are

entertaining, but not very

insightful for even slightly

experienced traders. Ad-

vanced trading tools? Not


Our conclusion? If you’re

serious about investing,

Robinhood isn’t for you. If

you want something that

resembles sports betting and

you have some cash to burn,

that’s another story.—M.M.

How We Ranked the Best Online Brokers

For 2021, we retained our usual six categories, but expanded the

subcategories to more accurately reflect particular online platform

strengths and weaknesses. We also sharpened the weightings. The

six categories are trading, usage, research/education/news, mobile,

international, and retirement/dividends. We used a point system to-

taling 200 that’s weighted as follows: trading (25%, or 50 possible

points); usage and research/education/news (22.5% each or 45 pos-

sible points each); mobile (20%, or 40 possible points); international

and retirement/dividends (5% each or 10 points each). This year, we

increased weighting of research/education/news, and reduced mo-

bile and, to a lesser extent, usage. These changes reflect an added

emphasis on providing knowledge necessary to invest better, faster,

and wiser, in addition to providing software tools that filter this infor-

mation. Mobile, on the other hand, has come of age at online brokerages.

Most offer mobile features that replicate the desktop or web. We in-

creased the number of subcategories by 20, to 98. We weighted each

subcategory; they ranged from one to four and, in rare cases, five points.

Some are either/or: A brokerage either provides for paper, or hypotheti-

cal, trading, or it doesn’t. Some are relative, such as options margin rates

or fee structures. In some categories, we gave high marks for functional-

ity; in others, for technical prowess. We also rewarded novel features or

services. A platform that offers feeds, say, from six independent news

providers received more points than a platform with just two. A site

that enables users to choose newsfeeds earned an additional point, and

sites that automatically display stories related to a portfolio or watch list

received more than those that force users to search.—M.M.

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