Barron's - USA (2021-03-01)

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March1,2021 BARRON’S M11


Small-Caps Are Sitting Pretty

Chart in Focus

McClellan Financial Publications

Feb. 26:The steepness of the yield curve

is a decent indicator of future financial-

market liquidity. It is tough to depict all of

the different bond yields along the entire

maturity spectrum, and so I am simulating

that yield-curve steepness by looking at

the spread between 10-year Treasury note

yields and three-month T-bill yields. And

the key insight is that the movements of

this yield spread tend to get echoed ap-

proximately 15 months later in the rela-

tive-strength ratio of the Russell 2000 ver-

sus Russell 1000.

In other words, yield-curve steepening

shows up 15 months later as small-cap out-

performance. That is a fun thing to know.

And a hard thing to wait for, sometimes.


Consumer-Spending Surge

Economic Update

Regions Financial

Feb.26:Total consumer spending on goods

rose by 5.8% in January, with spending on

consumer durable goods up by 8.4% and

spending on nondurable consumer goods up

by 4.3%. While these increases were in line

with our forecast, the 0.7% increase in con-

sumer spending on services was smaller

than our forecast anticipated....

The level of spending on consumer du-

rable goods is now 19.8% above the pre-

pandemic level, with spending on nondura-

ble consumer goods 6.4% percent higher

(based on the nominal spending data). At

the same time, consumer spending on ser-

vices, which accounts for roughly two-

thirds of consumer spending, is 5.5% below

the prepandemic level. This reflects the de-

gree to which the services sector has been

restricted over the course of the pandemic,

with spending to remain repressed until

the economy is more fully reopened. With

the saving rate now sitting at 20.5%, re-

opening would bring a significant boost in

spending even without the looming third

round of economic impact payments. What

will take time to discern, however, is

whether, or to what extent, there have

been lasting changes in consumer behavior

in a postpandemic world, which will clearly

impact the scope of any reopening bounce

in spending on consumer services.


Goodbye, Reagan and Volcker

Daily Insight Research

BCA Research

Feb. 25:BCA Research’s U.S. Investment

Strategy & U.S. Political Strategy services

conclude that the enduring influence of Ron-

ald Reagan and Paul Volcker may have run

its course.

The Volcker Federal Reserve’s uncom-

promising resistance to the 1970s’ runaway

inflation established the Fed’s credibility

and enshrined a new global central-bank-

ing orthodoxy. But the pandemic overrode

everything else in real time, and investors

may ultimately view 2020 as the year when

Democrats broke away from post-Reagan

orthodoxy and the Fed decided that Vol-

cker’s vigilance was no longer relevant.

If inflation, big government, and orga-

nized labor come back from the dead, glob-

alization loses ground, regulation expands,

antitrust enforcement regains some bite,

and tax rates rise and become more pro-

gressive, then the four-decade investment

golden age that Reagan and Volcker helped

launch may be on its last legs.

We recommend that multi-asset inves-

tors underweight bonds, especially Trea-

suries. We expect that the clamor for big-

ger government will contribute to a secular

bear market that could rival the one that

persisted from the 1950s to the 1980s.

Within Treasury portfolios, we would main-

tain below-benchmark duration and favor

Treasury inflation-protected securities over

nominal bonds, at least until the Fed sig-

nals that its campaign to re-anchor infla-

tion expectations higher has achieved its

goal. Gold and/or other precious metals

merit a place in portfolios as a hedge

against rising inflation, and other real as-

sets, from land to buildings to other re-

sources, are worthy of consideration, as



Sweet Spot for Bank Mergers

Equity Research

Wells Fargo

Feb. 24:Mergers and acquisitions in the fi-

nancials space are off to an exciting start

in 2021, allowing banks to quickly develop

skill and scale through more-meaningful


There are three reasons that acquisitions

by banks are accelerating. First, top-line

growth, while improving off 2020 levels, is ex-

pected to remain soft through 2021, necessi-

tating new ways to fuel expansion. Second,

the industry has record excess capital, allow-

ing for more cash-funded transactions that

could create accretion to earnings. Third, ac-

quisitions beget acquisitions, as competitors

sharpen their competitive advantages with

either additional scale or skill.

Mid-cap banks remain best positioned

to benefit from our expectation for in-

creased M&A, as large-bank appetite for

scale through M&A hasn’t been this high

in decades, while rebounding industry valu-

ations and record capital levels have al-

ready resulted in more-meaningful combi-

nations. We point investors to our updated

consolidation score card, which ranks Asso-

ciated Banc-Corp, Banc of California, In-

vestors Bancorp, and Triumph Bancorp as

the most likely consolidation candidates in

our coverage, as well as our inaugural po-

tential buyers list, with The Bank of N.T.

Butterfield & Son, Pinnacle Financial Part-

ners, First Interstate BancSystem, and

PacWest Bancorp heading the results.


Interest-Rate Tug of War

Market Blog

LPL Financial

Feb.23:Our base case is that interest rates

will continue to rise due to increasing

growth and inflation expectations and, even-

tually, Fed normalization. We believe that

yields will continue to move higher through-

out the year with an upward projection of

1.75% (our year-end range for the 10-year

remains 1.25% to 1.75%). We also believe

that, if rates move too high too fast, the Fed

will intervene to make sure rising rates

don’t become too restrictive and disrupt eq-

uity markets or the real economy. A number

of consumer loans are influenced by the lev-

els of the U.S. bond market, most notably

mortgage rates. A more interesting ques-

tion, at least to us, is not where rates will be

at the end of the year but how quickly rates

rise from here.

Additionally, during recent LPL manager

research calls with fixed-income managers,

we’ve heard that asset managers (most no-

tably pension and insurance funds) will get

more interested in U.S. Treasuries around

the 1.50% level. It seems that now, those

brave bond managers are likely to keep

rates from rising faster than in years past,

since there aren’t many other positive-

yielding options in this yield-starved world

awash with savings.

So, it seems there are opposing forces

pushing against each other to determine the

appropriate level of rates. On the one hand,

growth and inflation expectations are push-

ing yields higher, while the prospects of po-

tential Fed intervention and increased sav-

ings demands due to aging demographics

(both U.S. and non-U.S. savers) may help to

keep rates contained. We’ll continue to

watch how this dynamic unfolds. Who says

fixed-income markets are boring?


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orthodoxyandtheFeddecidedVolcker’svigilancewasnolongerrelevant.”—MATHIEUSAVARY, BCA Research

This commentary was issued recently by money managers, research firms,

and market newsletter writers and has been edited by Barron’s.

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