Barron's - USA (2021-03-01)

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March1,2021 BARRON’S 7


Savita Subramanian of BofA expects a slight

decline for the S&P 500 from here through

December.”Say goodbye to TINA,” she writes.

What to Buy When

Good News Means



quick burst of good news

on the pandemic and the

economy spooked the

bond market this past

week. Stocks buckled like

a dad catching a running

hug that comes with a low

knee strike.

Below arethoughts from Wall Street

strategists on how to position for more

menacingly bright developments. Plus,

following tumbles forTesla(ticker:

TSLA) and Bitcoin, I asked a woman

who has bet big on both—and won—to

lay out the bull case from here.

Last week, I noted that fourth-

quarter earnings for S&P 500 compa-

nies appear to have increased from a

year ago, despite expectations for an

11% decline—one of the biggest upside

surprises in decades. Meanwhile, 45

million Americans have now received

at least their first of two shots of a

Covid-19 vaccine. Tens of millions

more may carry antibodies from infec-

tion, reported or not. A new one-shot

vaccine appears effective. And a $1.

trillion stimulus package could be-

come law by mid-March.

The economy this year should

“run hotter than at any time in the

past 35 years,” wrote Credit Suisse

chief U.S. stock strategist Jonathan

Golub this past week. Investors have

been murmuring that faster growth

could stoke inflation; that higher in-

flation could make the Federal Re-

serve less keen to hold interest rates

near record lows; and that without

the Fed actively flogging savers out of

deposit accounts and into stocks, the

market might sell off.

On Tuesday, stocks did just that

until Fed Chairman Jerome Powell

gently trash-talked the economy, which

seemed to cheer investors, who took it

to mean rates will stay low for years

longer. On Thursday, bond yields

spiked—although by “spiked” I mean

rose quickly to still-pitiful levels.

The question now is whether that

was a hiccup or the start of something

more lasting. Paul Donovan, chief

economist at UBS Global Wealth Man-

agement, expects inflation to be

“higher but not high” this year, and

pose little challenge to investors.

Partly, that is because as economies

reopen, pent-up demand will flow

more toward services than goods. “It

is an unusual person who posts pic-

tures of a new washing machine on an

Instagram feed,” he writes.

Service providers are generally

better able than manufacturers to

quickly increase supply.

Donovan’s colleague at UBS, David

Lefkowitz, head of stocks in the

Americas, notes that the last two

times rates rose by more than a per-

centage point over three months were

in late 2016, when stocks fell no more

than 2% peak to trough, and in

mid-2013, after which the S&P 500

ended the year up 33%. He points out

that pockets of stocks, like utilities,

staples, real estate investment trusts,

and growth stocks, have historically

fared worse.

Stodgy high-yielders are known to

slump when bond yields rise, but that

last group, growth stocks, might

seem an odd fit. Higher yields are

less flattering to the “discounted cash

flow” valuations upon which growth

managers, if not Robinhood meme-

slingers, rely. So shares ofAT&T(T)

and Atlanta-based utilitySouthern

Company(SO) were relatively weak

this past week, but those of Tesla and

Virgin Galactic(SPCE) got clob-


What to buy now? Lefkowitz rec-

ommends consumer discretionary,

energy, financials, industrials, and

healthcare, and prefers small and

midsize companies to large ones.

Golub at Credit Suisse is bullish, pre-

dicting the S&P 500 index will rise

12% from here this year. He recom-

mends what he calls super-cyclicals,

or companies that stand to get the

biggest charge from economies re-

opening. To find them, his analysts

created what they call an economic

acceleration index, made up of mea-

sures like Treasury yields, high-yield

spreads, and commodity prices, and

then searched for shares that have

demonstrated the strongest correla-

tion to this index. The list includes

casino operatorLas Vegas Sands

(LVS), oil giantOccidental Petro-

leum(OXY),Citigroup(C), and trac-

tor makerDeere(DE).

Savita Subramanian, chief U.S.

stock strategist at BofA Global Re-

search, expects a slight decline for the

S&P 500 from here through Decem-

ber, and is particularly down on

large-company growth stocks. “Say

goodbye to TINA,” she wrote this

past week, a reference to “there is no

alternative,” the battle cry of inves-

tors who buy stocks for lack of better


The 10-year Treasury yield, Subra-

manian notes, recently traded above

the S&P 500 dividend yield. She

reckons the tipping point for inves-

tors shifting funds back to bonds is a

10-year Treasury yield of 1.75%—

about a quarter-point higher than

recent levels.


ome growth investors are un-

deterred. I spoke with Cathe-

rine Wood this past week. She

runsARK Innovation

(ARKK), an exchange-traded fund

that returned 152% last year, beating

its peers by more than 100 percent-

age points. The top holding is Tesla—

she bought more this past week, and

when investors heard, the stock

bounced. In another fund, Wood has

loadeduponGrayscale Bitcoin

Trust(GBTC). What’s her bull case

from here?

For Tesla, it’s that the cost of mak-

ing batteries will plunge, and electric

cars will end up much cheaper than

gasoline ones. Plus, the industry will

shift to autonomous driving, where

Tesla has a big head start. Her bear

case involves the autonomous shift

not happening just yet. If that plays

out, she says she still expects Tesla

to more than double in value over

the next five years. Her bull case,

she’s remodeling now. “It should be

out in the next few weeks,” she says.

And Bitcoin? It was recently val-

ued at just over $850 billion. Wood

recounts a 2015 collaboration with

economist Arthur Laffer where the

two concluded that the cryptocur-

rency met all the requirements of

money: “And I said, ‘Art, how big

could this be?’ And he said, ‘Well,

how big is the U.S. monetary base?’ ”

If you’re wondering, the Federal

Reserve Bank of St. Louis puts it at

$5.2 trillion.B

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