A style guide to the outside
Industry expert and founder of Out and Out Original,Daniel Fairburn,
brings you this season’s best deals on designer furniture.
Visit http://www.outandout.com or call 02037 728 752 for
more exciting deals and discounts.
To receiveyour seasonal discount onany of these productsquote discount code at
checkout at http://www.outandout.com or call 02037 728 752 before 12.07.2019.
Madrid- Rattan Dining Set
This fabulous outdoor dining set is ideal for
entertaining and seats 8 in comfort. The large 2
metre aluminium dining table features a grey
polywoodtable topand,withpoly-rattanchairs,this
designersetis maintenancefree.Perfectforoutdoor
living and a great way tospend more time in your
garden thisyear.Normally£999 theMadrid is now
availableat anincredible£599! Toreceiveyour£400
discount pleasequote code HA14JUN at checkout.
California- Lounge Set
This Californialounge setis perfect forrelaxingalfresco
or entertaining outdoors. It feelslike natural rattan and
canbeleftoutall yearround,maintenance-free(cushions
shouldbe brought inside).Seatingfor at least5 people
with2 comfyarmchairs,a roomy3-seatersofawithback
andseatcushions.Thissetalsoincludesa matchingcoffee
table.Normally£699,nowavailableat anamazing£499,
but only when you quote your £200 discount code
HA14JUNB. Also available in Taupe.
Panama- TwinSunLoungerSetwithIceBox
Chillin yourgardenwiththissetof 2 PanamaSunLoungerswith
matching ice box.Also included are seat cushions for added
comfortplus4 differentrecliningpositionstocreatethatholiday
atmosphere in your own garden.Made from all-weather resin
construction this qualifies for outdoor use all year round. For
not in use.Also this twin Sun Lounger set comes with 1 year
constructional warranty.Normally £499,now £199! To receive
your £300 discountquote HA14JUNA at checkout.