
(C. Jardin) #1
At HRV, we believe everyone should live in a warm,
dry home. And that starts with meeting with you at
your place, understanding what you’re looking for
and making a recommendation that’s right for your
family and your budget. From electric panel heaters,
to our HRV ventilation systems and Panasonic heat
pumps, we’ll find the best way to keep things cosy.
If that gives you a warm feeling inside, give us a call
and talk to us about doing the same for your home.

*To be eligible for this draw you must state the promo code upon booking your free home assessment and complete your appointment by 31 July 2019
and be the home owner of the property. One prize winner will be drawn who can redeem up to $5,000 towards their recommended ventilation system or
heat pump. The prize can be put towards one product only and must be the recommended product from your free home assessment. If the value of your
recommended product is less than $5,000 the diference in value may not be claimed on another product. If the value of your recommended product is over
$5,000, the winner will receive up to this value towards their product and will be required to pay the diference. All additional costs will be discussed with the
winner. Prize value includes standard installation. The competition ends on 31 July 2019, the winner will be drawn on 9 August 2019 and contacted by phone
or email by 16 August 2019. The winner must redeem their prize within 1 month of the prize being drawn, otherwise another winner will be drawn. The winner
has 3 months from the date they are contacted to have the prize installed, otherwise the prize will be forfeited.

Bookandcompletea free
betweenmid-Juneand 31 July
2019 andquoteYHGoverthe
Get a recommendation systemorheatpump.*
in minutes at

0800 HRV 123

Free download pdf