TheIdealHomeandGardenJuly 2019 | 17
Green Vision
Our cities and towns are getting depleted ofgreencoveratanalarmingrate.Apart-
ments in high rises hardly have any space foranindoorgarden.Havinga greencover
around us will not only help us breathe freely,butalsopumpin vitaloxygenneededfor
survival. I would request the Editor to focus anddedicatea fewpagesonindoorhome
gardens. This garden can be either in the kitchenbalconyorthelivingroombalcony.Just
like how TIHG covers the bedroom, the bathroom,thekitchen,thelivingspace,it should
also give sufficient space to home gardens.
Eye Candy
A magazineis viewedaselitewhen
thereis somethingtowhisperaboutit.
TIHGsurelydoescomein thatclass.The
in themagazineslayout,presentation
andvisuals. Fora reader,visualsarefar
morepleasingtotheeyethana thou-
sandwordedtext.I amsureTIHGis
readytoringin moresurprisesin theup-
comingissues.Thebestthinga reader
looksforwardtoin themagazinearethe
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The IdealHomeandGarden, June 2019 Vol 13 Issue 08
Travel Sojourns
The Ideal Getaway section is my all
time favourite in TIHG. As my
husband is in the travel business, we
both eagerly look forward to travel
destinations featured in the maga-
zine. I have noticed that a lot of em-
phasis is given to overseas locations.
Yes, there are beautiful locations in
many European and Asian countries.
However, I would like to put it this
way that there are heavenly abodes
in India as well. The edit team should
explore such options and feature
them in TIHG.
Swati Piramal, Mumbai
Fusion Drama
What makes a home so beautiful? Of
course, it’s the interiors and the decor.
Homes from across the world are some
of the best as they are less cluttered
and more spacious. One of the reasons
being – most houses are individual villas
(that’s a widely accepted concept).
Even in India, we have beautiful and
appealing homes. However, in majority
cases the interiors, the decor, the furni-
ture and the fabrics look stunning, but
there is too much of clutter all around.
I feel it’s time to look towards the West
for proper space management and
planning. We have the resources and
the talent pool, it’s just that the im-
plementation needs to be in the right
Rajesh Patankar (Architect),
Shivaji Nagar, Pune