country | 25bh
Melissa. ‘We’re only custodians really, and it’s important that the
woodlands can be enjoyed by future generations.’
Having moved into the house in 2006, the couple took their
time before embarking on any big changes to the interior. ‘There
was only one bathroom upstairs, and the small kitchen was on
the north side of the house. It was very dated, with dark colours
everywhere,’ Melissa says. But, with the imminent birth of their
youngest son Bear, now 12, the couple left any major building
projects for several years, completing essential work only. ‘We
were surprised that the housewasn’tlisted,butthisworkedinour
favour as there are fewer restrictions,’saysMelissa.
The couple decided thatthebestoptionwasa two-storey
extension, which didn’t spoiltheoriginalfaçade,andtheplanswent
through in 2013 without anyproblems.‘Thisnewadditionhas
taken us from one bathroomtofive,andfromfourbedroomstosix,
so everyone has their own bedroomandwehavetwoguestrooms.’
Downstairs, the new largeopen-plankitchenis a light-filled
space overlooking the gardenandwoods.Melissahostsdinner
In this older part of the
house, soft colours and
choice antiques create
an inviting mood.
Sofas and coffee table,
Christopher Coates
Walker at The Antique
French Chair Company
25bh AUGUST 2019 | 17