The Artist - UK (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1
22 artistMarch 2021


DEMONSTRATION Back Gardens, Scotby, Cumbria

This location is in my home village. On this occasion I felt that the spring
light emphasised the warm, fresh greens against deep, dark shadows

After drawing a very simple outline and applying a tonal wash of
primary red plus yellow ochre, I blocked in the large tree shapes
using yellow ochre, primary yellow, primary blue and a touch of
spectrum red and white. For the sky I used primary blue, a touch of
spectrum red and white. I added a very small touch of spectrum red
towards the bottom of the sky and also increased the white in the mix
progressively as the sky neared the horizon

Continuing the block-in, I started to develop the middle
ground using yellow ochre, primary yellow, primary blue,
ultramarine, spectrum red and white. The distant tree
on the right and the silhouette of the roofs were painted
with a varied mix of ultramarine blue, spectrum red, a
very small touch of yellow ochre and varying degrees of
white. The foliage in the middle ground was developed
light-to-dark using combinations of yellow ochre,
primary yellow, primary blue, ultramarine blue and small
touches of spectrum red and white. The spectrum red
helps to neutralise or grey-down the greens

This stage is generally a continuation of the previous
one, although touches of sparkly light were added where
the light catches small leaves. Also, I began adding
details to some of the trees

l Arches 140lb (300gsm) Not (cold pressed) paper, tinted
with a mix of raw sienna and alizarin crimson acrylic paint.
l Winsor & Newton Designer Gouache: primary yellow,
permanent yellow deep, yellow ochre, spectrum red,
primary red, ultramarine blue, white
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