Nature - USA (2020-09-24)

(Antfer) #1


Extended Data Fig. 5 | OSCA1.3 and OSCA1.7 are BIK1-activated calcium-
permeable channels. a, Typical currents (left panel) and corresponding I/V
curves (right panel) recorded in OSCA1.3 plus BIK1 expressing COS-7 cells
increase with increasing calcium concentrations as indicated on the figure
legend (n = 3 cells, mean ± s.e.m.). Currents were normalized with current
intensities recorded at -100 mV in the standard bath solution (5 mM calcium),
and consequently expressed in normalized arbitrary units for easier
comparison of reverse potential changes. Note the inward currents increase
and the reverse potentials shift to positive values when extracellular calcium
concentration increases, indicating a calcium permeation of the channel. See
methods for solutions composition. b, Typical traces (left panel) and
corresponding statistical analysis (right panel) of currents recorded in whole-

cell configuration in COS-7 cells co-transfected with pCI-OSCA1.7 plus pCI-BIK1
(n = 17 cells, mean ± s.e.m.) or plus pCI-BIK1(KD) (n = 9 cells, mean ± s.e.m.) as
indicated on the figure legend. OSCA1.7 is a BIK1-activated channel. I/V curves
recorded on cells. c, BIK1 kinase activity activates currents in cells expressing
both OSCA1.3 and OSCA1.7. Typical currents (left panel) and corresponding I/V
curves (right panel) recorded in cells co-transfected with both pCI-OSCA1.3
and pCI-OSCA1.7 plus pCI-BIK1 (n = 10 cells, mean ± s.e.m.) or plus pCI-BIK1(KD)
(n = 9 cells, mean ± s.e.m.) as indicated on the figure legend. Note that current
intensities are not higher than current intensities recorded in cells expressing
either OSCA1.3+BIK1 (Fig. 3b, c) or OSCA1.7+BIK1 (a), giving no indication on
functional heteromerization of OSCA1.3 and OSCA1.7. Whole-cell patch clamp
protocols used in b and c were identical to the one used in Fig. 3b, c.
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