Nature - USA (2020-09-24)

(Antfer) #1


Extended Data Fig. 1 | CRISPR screens identify peroxisome components as
contributors to ferroptosis sensitivity. a, STRING Protein Network analysis
of the top OVCAR-8 screening hits. b, STRING Protein Network analysis of the
top 786-O screening hits. c, Schematic diagram showing simplified illustration
of the principle and work f low for the GeLiNEA method. d, Table showing the
top pathways enriched in the 786-O screen hits using GeLiNEA. Overlap is the
number of genes in common between a gene set and the screening hit list,
nConnections is the number of connections between a gene set and the
screening hit list, P values are computed using Supplementary Equation (1) and

q values are P values adjusted for multiple testing using the Benjamini–
Hochberg correction method. e, Table showing the top pathways enriched in
OVCAR-8 screen hits using GeLiNEA. f, Venn diagram showing the overlapped
CRISPR screen hits in OVCAR-8 and 786-O cells. g, Volcano plots showing the
top hits in OVCAR-8 and 786-O genome-wide CRISPR screens. For presentation
purposes, only genes that are enriched in the RSL3- or ML210-treated condition
by ≥ 1.5 fold (log 2 FC ≥ 0.585) are plotted. See Methods for data analysis
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