Nature - USA (2020-09-24)

(Antfer) #1

E16 | Nature | Vol 585 | 24 September 2020

Matters arising

prrx1a expression in this organ was below the level at which mRNA can
be detected by in situ hybridization at this stage (Fig. 2d–f). Rather than
disrupting dextral heart looping downstream of Nodal-related signal-
ling, the prrx1a-MO1 appears to be acting earlier and non-specifically
to alter the structure of Kupffer’s vesicle.
In conclusion, we do not find a role for prrx1a in the establishment of
a right-handed signalling pathway that drives heart looping in zebrafish.
Our results demonstrate how a combination of frameshift alleles and
larger-deletion alleles that do not produce mRNA should be used to resolve
discrepancies between phenotypes that are observed in embryos with
morpholino-induced knockdown and those observed in germline-mutant
embryos. Whereas transcriptional adaptation can clearly explain the dif-
ferences between knockdown and mutant phenotypes for some genes, in
some cases—such as the heart-looping phenotypes analysed here—mor-
pholinos produce non-specific effects that do not reflect endogenous
gene function. Of note, gRNA–Cas9 reagents have also been reported
to cause non-specific effects in injected zebrafish embryos^15 , and we find
that germline prrx1a mutants lack the cardiac-looping phenotypes that
result from somatic CRISPR–Cas9 targeting of prrx1a as reported by
Ocaña et al.^1. On the other hand, morpholinos may still be of use in cases
in which morpholinos and mutant alleles result in similar phenotypes—
for example, the transient nature of morpholino-mediated knockdown
can be taken advantage of to interfere with gene function only during
embryogenesis. In summary, we suggest that great caution should be
taken in interpreting phenotypes that are obtained by knockdown rea-
gents, in particular in the absence of a priori knowledge of gene function,
and that rigorous validation of phenotypes using both frameshift and
larger transcript-less germline alleles that do not undergo transcriptional
adaptation should be performed whenever possible.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature
Research Reporting Summary linked to this paper.

Data availability
All data are available within the manuscript and its associated
files. Source data are provided with this paper.

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Acknowledgements We acknowledge support from the Dutch Heart Foundation grant
CVON2014-18 CONCOR-GENES to J.B. and the National Institute of Health grants NIH R35
DE027550 to J.G.C., NIH R00 DE024190 to J.T.N. (National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial
Research, NIDCR) and NIH R00 DE026239 to L.B. (NIDCR).

Author contributions F.T.: project conception, experimental work, data analysis, manuscript
writing; D.E.M.d.B.: project conception, experimental work; L.B.: experimental work, data
analysis, manuscript revision; N.N.: experimental work, data analysis; H.A.A.: experimental
work, data analysis; S.W.: experimental work; J.T.N.: zebrafish lines, manuscript revision;
J.G.C.: zebrafish lines, project conception, manuscript writing; J.B.: project conception,
manuscript writing.

Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.

Additional information
Supplementary information is available for this paper at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.G.C. or J.B.
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