bigger every time you exchange it for a new ZOE filling or for
safe plastic when that becomes available. It was meant to be
temporary, but is holding up very well, as long as enough pow-
der is used in the ZOE mix.
Some people are allergic to ZOE, but this can be tested be-
forehand, and one of the other cements used instead.
Guidelines For A Healthy Mouth
If you have
Metal fillings
Inlays and onlays
Change them to zinc oxide and eugenol. The
original powder and liquid come in 2 separate
bottles. The ratio of powder to liquid deter-
mines the hardness. No premixed or faster
setting varieties are safe. Caution, do not use
base/liner, adhesive, bonder, primer or other
preparatory agents except as discussed later.
Crowns (all types) Extract tooth entirely.
Bridges Change to methacrylate partials.
Metal partials Change to methacrylate partials.
Dentures Change to methacrylate dentures.
Porcelain denture teeth Change to methacrylate denture teeth: they
must come loose in a bag, not set in a wax
bar. The wax adheres and pollutes the whole
denture, unless you wash each tooth thor-
oughly and dry it.
Badly damaged teeth Become extractions.
Root canals Become extractions.
Braces and implants Avoid.
Cavitations Need to be surgically cleaned and disinfected
with diluted Lugol’s iodine.
Temporary crowns Become extractions.
Temporary fillings Same procedure as for metal fillings.
The guidelines can be summarized as:
- Remove all metal and plastic from the mouth.
- Remove all dead or infected teeth and clean cavitations.