have found a dentist able to do it. Find a dentist with experience
and knowledge about this subject. It is more than replacing ac-
knowledged culprits like mercury-amalgam fillings. This is
toxin-free dentistry. Only non-toxic plastic should be put back
in your mouth. At present, only methyl methacrylate has been
found to be safe, along with the cements, zinc oxide and zinc
phosphate. More varieties could be on the “safe” list, like the
silicates and carboxylates, if these compounds are ordered from
a chemical supply company, rather than a dental supply.
Dental plastic, to be safe, must not contain malonic and
maleic acids, nor urethane or bisphenol-A, nor a carcinogenic
“azo” dye, nor polluting heavy metals. Not only the restorative
material, but the liner/adhesive, bonder, primer, etc. must be
free of these toxins. An analysis for these toxins should be a
requirement for all dental materials.
These are a few of the dental supplies I tested. They contain one or
more of the tumorigens: copper, cobalt, vanadium, maleic acid, malo-
nic acid, urethane, or scarlet red azo dye.
Fig. 27 Dental materials