The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


left side and two on the right. The center on the upper side is
easier to find; see the arrow.
The fifth tooth from the center at upper left has a black
cloud emerging from the root tip like a swarm of gnats above it.
This is an infection, the bacteria are parading up towards the
brain. Brain tumors are made of such events. Trying to save
such a tooth would be a bad mistake, even though it “looks
good and was giving no trouble.” Plastic (black edges) can be
seen on the inner edge of the top center teeth; this was done for
cosmetic purposes. A few more bits of plastic are seen here and
there. No cavitations are seen in the bottom half where the visi-
bility is good.
A large tattoo did not show up on this X-ray although the
dentist spotted it easily while working on the mouth.

No fillings, no crowns, no cavitations, but perhaps a dead tooth led to
the abscess at the white spot above the R. Drainage revealed mere
mush, implying infection, as far as the probe could reach.
Fig. 29 Good quality panoramic
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