products should not be in our food, not even in minutest
amounts. This is because there would always be tiny traces of
benzene and other petrochemicals left in them. These are not
negligible even though test instruments
can’t find them. Even our best test in-
struments are very crude compared to
our body’s ability to detect. Benzene is
very difficult to detect, costing thou-
sands of dollars for a single test. Manu-
facturers would resist such added
expense. Yet, the cancer epidemic is
upon us. We must demand new, more
sensitive testing for toxins in our foods.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our law-
makers required only chemicals that
didn’t show up in our immune systems
to be used in manufacturing foods. Lu-
bricants would then be things like olive
“Food lube” for heavy-duty machinery like ice cream and dough mix-
ers and “food oil” for light-duty equipment like cheese and meat
slicers are petroleum products that introduce benzene into our
Fig. 42 Examples of commercial “food lube.”
Example of Healing...................................................
“food oil”