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(2) The additive is manufactured from hops by a
sequence of extractions and fractionations, using ben-
zene, light petroleum spirits, and methyl alcohol as
solvents, followed by isomerization by potassium car-
bonate treatment. Residues of solvents in the modified
hop extract shall not exceed 1.0 part per million of
benzene, 1.0 part per million of light petroleum spirits,
and 250 parts per million of methyl alcohol. The light
petroleum spirits and benzene solvents shall comply
with the specification in §172.250 except that the
boiling point range for light petroleum spirits is 150°F-
[(3) through (8) go on to describe other allowable
manufacturing processes using methylene chloride,
hexane, methyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide, butyl alco-
hol, ethyl acetate, potassium carbonate, ethylene di-
chloride, isopropyl alcohol, trichloroethylene,
palladium, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, peracetic
acid, sodium borohydride and other chemicals.]
Fig. 62 Lawful ways of making hop extract for use in beer.

Ironically, the law mandates the purity of the benzene used
(§172.250). It’s hard to imagine what worse chemicals the gov-
ernment agency is concerned about! And if you think one part
per million doesn’t sound like a lot, keep in mind that the gov-
ernment maximum allowed level in drinking water is five parts
per billion, 200 times less concentrated. Of course it’s assumed
that by the time the hop extract is added to the rest of the beer
ingredients, the concentration will be much less. But what
really counts is the total amount consumed, over days, months
and years.
Allowing the use of petroleum products (whose raw form
contains benzene), in food has undoubtedly led to the world-
wide lowering of immunity that is so apparent. The immune

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