The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


laboratory salt is only $2.80 per pound.^51
It is most important
not to be fooled by in-
gredient claims, like
“made from organically
grown vegetables”.
That’s reassuring, but
the analysis I trust
would be done on the
final, cleaned, cooked
and packaged product
on the shelf. The pack-
age itself is a major un-
listed ingredient when it
leaches pollutants into
the food.
Toxic solvents like
decane, hexane, carbon
tetrachloride and ben-
zene will get more fla-
vor or fat or cholesterol
out of things than non-
toxic grain (ethyl) alco-
hol. Of course, the
extraction process calls for washing out the toxic solvent later.
But it can't all be washed out, and a detailed analysis on the
final product would give the public the information they need to
make informed choices.

(^51) You will pay about $8.00 per pound (Spectrum Chemical Co.)
for USP (United States Pharmaceutical) grade. But the same analy-
ses are done on the cheaper grades, and my point is that the
analysis is cost effective enough that it should be done on our daily
Common table salt for student use is
thoroughly analyzed for pollution. The
label gives you the final “Actual Lot
Analysis” of the product. It is not
Fig. 69 Laboratory salt label

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