Lugol's is perfectly safe (if not allergic) to take day after
day, when needed, because of its peculiar attaching property. It
arrives in the stomach, reattaches to everything in proximity.
Doomed are Salmonella and other local bacteria; doomed also
are eggs (cysts) of parasites that might be in the stomach.
Naturally, one would not leave such medicine within the
reach of children. Also, one would not use anything medicinal,
including Lugol's, unless there were a need, like digestive dis-
tress. Store it in a perfectly secure place. In the past, 2/3 of a
teaspoon (60 drops) of Lugol's was the standard dose of iodine
given to persons with thyroid disease. Six drops is small by
comparison, but you need no more.
Shigella is not killed by Lugol's after it leaves the stomach
to reside in the bowel.
Amazingly, the two teaspoon dose of Black Walnut Hull
Tincture Extra Strength used in the Parasite Killing Program is
also effective against many bacteria, including Salmonella, Shi-
gella, and Clostridium.
If the tincture doesn’t bring total relief in 24 hours, search
for a source of reinfection. Then eliminate it. Don’t just keep
taking the tincture. These bacteria come to us in dairy foods, or
perhaps you are self infecting by putting your fingers in your
A traditional, more gradual method of conquering digestive
bacteria is with two herbs (which are also common spices!):
turmeric and fennel. Follow the Bowel Program (page 591).
Another traditional treatment for digestive problems is yo-
gurt and acidophilus beverages. But modern commercial varie-
ties are actually contaminated with Salmonella and Shigella
strains. Test them yourself. It is just too hazardous to risk using
Other supplements. The concept of supplementing the diet
is excellent, but the pollution problem makes it prohibitive. In