The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Special Clean-up for Fiberglass
Fiberglass insulation has microscopically small bits of
glass that are free to blow into the air. When house drafts pull it
into the air you will inhale them. They cut their way through
your lungs and organs like millions of tiny knives, spreading
through your body, since there is no way out for them. You
smell nothing and feel nothing. This makes it a very sinister
poison. Your body, though, recognizes these sharp, pointed bits
and tries to stop their spread by sequestering them in cysts.
Most solid malignant tumors contain fiberglass or asbestos,
another glass-like particle. In nearly all cases a hole can be
found in the ceiling or walls, leading to fiberglass insulated
parts of the house. When these holes are sealed in an air-tight
manner the house air no longer is positive for fiberglass. Cov-
ering with paneling is not sufficient. Check your dwelling for
uncovered fiberglass. Repair immediately. Search for small
screw holes intended for pictures, or electric outlet plates that
are missing.
Also remove fiberglass jackets from your water heater and
fiberglass filters from your furnace and air conditioner. Replace
with foam or carbon. Best of all, hire a crew to remove it all
from your home, and replace insulation with blown-in shredded
paper or other innocuous substance.
Never build a new house using fiberglass for any purpose.

Clean Basement
To clean your basement, remove all paint, varnish, thinners,
brush cleaners, and related supplies. Remove all cleaners such
as carpet cleaner, leather cleaner, rust remover. Remove all
chemicals that are in cans, bottles or buckets.
You may keep your laundry supplies: borax, white distilled
vinegar, chlorine bleach and homemade soap. You may keep
canned goods, tools, items that are not chemicals. You may
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