The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Pets Could Be A Source

Because pet food is heavily polluted with aflatoxins and
solvents, including isopropyl alcohol and benzene, is it any
wonder that they, too, get the human intestinal fluke? Fluke
stages are plentiful in the saliva. Never kiss your pet. Feed your
pets home made food as our grandparents did. Keep all your
pets on the Pet Parasite Program.

To summarize:

  1. We are eating the infective stages of the intestinal fluke in
    beef, chicken, turkey and dairy products.

  2. We then transmit it to each other by kissing on the mouth
    and sex.

  3. Even if we pick it up in these two ways, we would not get
    cancer from it unless we have isopropyl alcohol in our bod-

Biological Questions

My tests show me the close association between parasites,
solvents and carcinogens. And that mycotoxins and bacteria are
also crucially involved in cancer. But many questions remain.
Since there is never a case of cancer without adult human
intestinal flukes being present in the liver,^57 do the adults make
ortho-phospho-tyrosine, namely cause cancer? Obviously not,
because in many of us it is in its normal “home”, the intestine,
and we do not have cancer. Only when it is in the liver do I
find ortho-phospho-tyrosine in the body, but usually in a tissue

(^57) In a few case histories they were not observed.

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