The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


A Look On The Bright Side

  • Fluke parasites are very easy to kill, much easier than
    many roundworms or tapeworms (tapeworms survive the
    parasite herbs).

  • Not everything is polluted. Only the processed foods are,
    and not even all of them. If we eat natural food, we will be
    safe. (And if we eat malonic-free natural food we will be

  • I have never seen a case of mercury toxicity from eating
    fish. It is always amalgam tooth fillings.

  • PCB pollution is not in everything (but they are prevalent
    in detergents).

  • I have never seen a case of lead, arsenic or pesticide tox-
    icity from eating fruit or vegetables. Pesticides used on
    foods haven't penetrated them, as far as my tests show.
    Simply cut away the blossom and stem end, and wash
    thoroughly. But don’t eat food sprayed to keep it fresh!
    Such food must be peeled or ozonated, not just washed.

  • Municipal water is still the safest source. I found no cases
    of lead, asbestos, aluminum, or any solvent toxicity due to
    city water, and only a few cases of arsenic or PCBs. Evi-
    dently, the immune system can keep up with this small
    concentration even with constant use.

  • Solvents, PCBs, aflatoxins, and 4,5 benzopyrene leave the
    body in a few days after you stop getting them into your
    body, not a few years! Only Freon and copper persist—

For Dishes..............................................................................

  • Lead is not coming from paint; it is mainly coming from
    lead solder joints on copper water pipes.

  • Asbestos is not coming from municipal water or building
    materials; it is mostly coming from your own clothes
    dryer belts (imported varieties) and hair blowers.

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