Types Of Tests
Cancer We test for ortho-phospho-tyrosine. HCG is tested
occasionally as a pre-cancer indicator. As the correlation
between cancer, Fasciolopsis (human intestinal fluke) in
the liver, and isopropyl alcohol became clearer, I often
tested those next.
HIV We test for Protein 24 antigen. Remarkably, HIV/AIDS
is caused (and cured) very similarly to cancer and is the
subject of another book by this author.
Parasites About 120 varieties, including intermediate stages.
Toxic elements About 70 varieties.
Solvents 27 varieties.
Pathogens (bacteria and viruses) About 80 varieties.
Kidney Stones
Blood (which includes urine) This testing is done by a
commercial laboratory, and depending on the panels se-
lected, could be 50 or more tests.
Obviously most of these tests are not part of eliminating
ortho-phospho-tyrosine and curing cancer. They are essential
for learning how to get well, however.
We have the capability of testing each of the above 300 sub-
stances in any of the body's 100 tissues for which I have sam-
ples. It is unrealistic to even attempt to accomplish these 30,000
possible tests. Typically about 30 tests can be completed in an
average office visit, and I select the most useful ones for the
client. Only the YES (positive) results and significant NO
(negative) results are shown in these case histories.
See The Tests chapter for more information about each test.
Not all of the cases are roaring successes, but there are les-
sons in all of them that can put you on the road to recovery.