fects. He is on MethotrateTM 1 time/week. They have brought in
water specimen to test for PCBs.
PCB, Holmium (Toxic Elements) NO
: PCB (Toxic Element) YES in well water
PCB (Toxic Element) NO in reverse osmosis filtered water
Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) NO
: Pancreatic fluke (Parasite) YES
: Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES in mother
: Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES in father
They need to solve their water problem and finish parasite program
for whole family.
Summary: This was a health conscious family. They were intensely
interested in how their PCB pollution had come about. They all prom-
ised to rid themselves of parasites and stick to some new health rules.
Since they were from 2 states away, they did not plan to return unless
Mark's health shows signs of deterioration. We have not heard from
them for eight months.
8 Nevita Thompson Hodgkin's Disease
Nevita Thompson is a middle-aged school teacher, very vivacious,
lives on handfuls of vitamins, all carefully organized. She spends a lot
each month on supplements and is happy with it. She has had Hodgkin's
for several years and also has extremely high triglycerides. We saw her
April, 1992. Both palms were tender and painful. She had numbness and
stinging in various fingers. Her doctor diagnosed it as neuropathy.
: Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES in kidneys, bladder, colon
Fasciolopsis other stages (Parasite) NO
Start on parasite killing program. We will test toxins next time.
Two months and one week later
Hands are more numb. Her doctor says her Hodgkin's seems to be
Fasciolopsis and all stages (Parasite) NO
Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) NO