of her age, in order to cure her frequent urination and low back pain.
Lenora Wilson Colon Cancer
Lenora Wilson is a 55 year old woman whose main problem, she
said, was ovarian cancer. She had a complete hysterectomy in 1980.
After that she was given chemotherapy. In 1991, Ca 125 marker was 60
(should be 0-35); in September Ca 125 was up to 70. She was told to
repeat chemotherapy. Instead she went to Ann Wigmore Foundation for
2 weeks and changed diet to vegetarian. After this her Ca 125 went down
to 61. For the last year she has done nothing, not even vitamins.
: Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) YES at colon only
Protein 24 (HIV) NO
: Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES at liver, colon; NO at other
: Fasciolopsis redia (Parasite) YES at liver, blood
: Isopropyl Alcohol (Solvent) YES
Start on parasite program. Eliminate commercial cosmetics.
Summary: This woman's cancer history goes back ten years. She
had conventional treatment at this time. But it came back recently; her
doctor used the cancer marker Ca 125 to monitor it. My test showed it
present in the colon, now. There was a Fasciolopsis in the liver and a
stage in the liver and blood. There was propanol in her white blood
cells. Hopefully, she has eliminated the propanol and cleared up her
new cancer. She has not followed up. Her first visit was too brief to do
more testing.
14 Mary Emerson Cervical Cancer
Mary Emerson is a 39 year old woman who described her main
problem as follows: In about 1986 a Pap smear showed inflammation of
the cervix. Two years later a different doctor found it quite abnormal,
and she got cold knife conization. Six months later it was OK. Six
months after that it was not normal again. In March 1992, a laser ablation
was done. She went financially broke, but saw the doctor anyway.
Follow-up showed 5½ on a scale of 6. Doctor wants to do a complete
hysterectomy. She began to get hairy, skin greasy; depression hit. Lit-